CALL 612-373-3366
FAX 612-823-4913


Frequently Asked Questions


General Admissions and Financial Assistance

How do I apply to Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge (MnTC)?

There are several ways to begin the Admissions process, including

  • Online: Submit an online inquiry:
    Call the Admissions Department at 612-FREEDOM (612.373.3366) and dial 1 for Admissions. An Admissions specialist will gather key information, and schedule a chemical health assessment, if needed.
  • If a chemical health assessment has already been completed, it may be faxed to our Admissions team at 612.823.4913.
  • Fax: Referrals or Applications may be faxed to our Admissions team at 612.823.4913
  • Mail: Referrals or Applications may be mailed to MnTC at 740 E. 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404
  • In-Person: You may walk into our centers to gather information and begin the Admission process. In Minneapolis our Admissions lobby is located at 3231 1st Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
    • Lobby Hours are M-F from 8am-4:30pm.
    • Our Rochester, Duluth, and Brainerd campuses also accept In-Person applications.

Incarcerated persons: Those in jail or prison may complete an In-Custody Application by asking for one from the Corrections Liaison, Admissions Department, or Jail Programmer.

How long does the application process take? How quickly can I be admitted into your program?

The Admission process typically ranges from within 24 hours up to 2 weeks depending on details of the specific case, bed availability, and the time it takes to verify insurance or other documents. In processing each potential admission we consider:

  • Willingness to participate in the program/interest in making significant life changes
  • Mental health status/mental health medications
  • Medical conditions/prescribed medications
  • Legal status, past and present
  • Existence of outstanding warrants
  • Funding eligibility
  • Level of care required
  • Location or residency

Note: for incarcerated persons, the Admission process is dependent upon additional factors, such as scheduled release date, and may take longer based on prioritization and volume of applications received.

What is the cost of your program?

During the Admissions process we will review each client’s specific situation; however, the following information provides some general guidelines.

  • If you have insurance coverage, most insurance providers will pay for at least a portion of residential treatment and mental health treatment services
  • Some clients are eligible for State or County funding for our long-term recovery and residential treatment programs
  • For our long-term recovery program, our Admissions team can provide more information based upon the specifics of your situation. Financial assistance may be available based on your specific needs.
  • Cost for mental health services varies by per provider.
What ages do you accept into your treatment programs?
  • Clients in MnTC programs range in age from 14-70+ years old.
  • Telehealth and Outpatient programs accept Males and Females aged 18+
  • Residential programs – Females (Minneapolis, Rochester, and Brainerd)
    • Short-term treatment: accepts females age 18+
    • Long-term recovery program: accepts females age 18+
    • Transitional housing: accepts females 18+
  • Residential programs – Males (all campuses)
    • Short-term treatment: accepts males age 18+
    • Long-term recovery program: accepts males 18+
    • Transitional housing: accepts males 18+
  • Lakeside Academy accepts only males, age 14-17 years old
    Click here for more information about Lakeside Academy treatment/
Do you accept my insurance?
  • Licensed treatment (245G): We accept most insurance in our licensed treatment programs, whether telehealth, outpatient, or residential
  • Mental health services: We accept most insurance for co-occurring mental health services.
  • Our Long Term Recovery Program is not covered by any insurance.
  • Admissions will ask for your insurance information and screen for benefits.
  • County funding: some clients qualify for county funding, depending upon location and specific circumstances. Our Admissions team can provide more information on a case-by-case basis.
  • Clients will be billed for the amount insurance does not cover.
  • Veterans: May qualify for funding, if referred through the VA. however, they cannot use Tricare to pay for MnTC programs or services. Please ask an Admissions specialist for more information.
  • Clients can use some forms of Medicare or Medical Assistance to pay for treatment and our Admissions Department can assist those that are eligible for Medical Assistance to sign up upon admission if they do not already have it; however, if clients do not have a supplemental insurance and are under the county income guidelines, they may qualify for county funding. Our Admissions specialists will help you through this process.
  • If a client has an eligible supplemental insurance, they may use this to pay for treatment.
How do I apply for County funding?

Call our Admissions Department to start your process. If you are a Minnesota resident, an Admissions representative will screen, and assist in securing appropriate funding if you qualify for county funding.

How can I pay for my program if I do not qualify for county funding or other types of funding?

Typically, clients seek assistance from family, friends, their community or church for support.

Can I enter the program if I have upcoming court dates?

Residential clients are allowed to enter MnTC programs with court dates pending. We do take into consideration the severity and nature of any crimes to determine program eligibility. Some applicants may not be appropriate for our program and will be denied admission.

Can I come to MnTC if I have criminal charges pending in another state?
  • This is determined on a case-by-case basis. In some situations, clients may enroll in our Licensed Treatment Program (typical stay is an average of 45 days) and pay the full program costs out-of-pocket, then go back to their home state to complete their sentencing.
  • At times a Court will allow an individual to come to MnTC to complete the Long Term Recovery Program as a condition of their sentencing; in this situation clients must pay the program costs out-of-pocket due to their out of state residency.
If I’m on probation in another state, may I enter Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge?
  • This is determined on a case-by-case basis. We do take into consideration the severity and nature of any crime to determine program eligibility.
  • The county of the campus oversees probation cases. It is very rare that the state of MN will allow felony level probation to transfer — meaning, they would deny the person entry to MnTC.
  • In some cases, persons desiring admission to MnTC are granted permission to travel. We would consider admission in this situation, but the client would be expected to pay all program costs out-of-pocket.
Is there a waiting list for your residential programs?

Typically, we schedule individuals based on the next available open bed at their desired location; we may refer to another MnTC campus to advance the Intake date.

Can you help with credit card bills?

For clients in our Long Term Recovery Program, a staff member can provide verification of client enrollment to a credit card agency, with written request of the client.

Can I just drop off my loved one at the door?

It’s always best to schedule an appointment for your loved one by calling 612-FREEDOM. However, we can accommodate walk-in assessments Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00AM to 2:00PM, based on staffing availability.

Does MnTC accept people into its residential programs who have eating disorders?

Yes, as long as the primary condition at time of Admission is substance use disorder. One’s treatment for substance use disorder will be prioritized and then the client may address his or her eating disorder.

What is the relationship between MnTC and other “Teen Challenge” centers in the U.S.?

Mn Adult & Teen Challenge is an independent corporation and is not formally affiliated with other Teen Challenge centers. Views expressed by other Teen Challenge organizations do not necessarily reflect the views of Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge. We have an independent and dedicated board of directors, leadership team, and staff. We are fully licensed and adhere to rigorous standards for the care and treatment of every individual.

Does MnTC provide services to all individuals, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and other identifying factors?

Yes. Our goal is to help as many people as possible; we prioritize safety, well-being, and quality of care to all those we serve.

Do you accept clients with physical limitations or disabilities?
  • Our goal is always to provide a safe environment while maintaining our high quality care standards. Every applicant case is screened to ensure fit with these goals.
  • Hearing impaired or deaf clients have attended our programs with use of a sign language interpreter.
  • We have also made accommodations for those in wheelchairs.
Do you accept pregnant women into your treatment and recovery programs?

Yes, as long as one’s medical needs do not exceed our program requirements.

Are clients in MnTC’s residential programs required to be Christian for either program admission or graduation?
  • No. Clients are not required to be Christian either to attend or to graduate MnTC programs.
  • Our Licensed Treatment (245G) programs are secular with an option for faith-based curriculum available upon request.
  • Our Long Term Recovery Program is a faith-based program. Clients are not required to be Christian for enrollment into the program; however, all clients are expected to participate in the full program curriculum.
Do you accept clients on Medication-Assisted Treatments (MATs)?

Yes, we accept clients on certain Medication-Assisted Treatments (MAT); in addition, we provide on-site psychiatric and ambulatory detox services. Medication-Assisted Treatments are part of our reviewable medication list; client applications involving MATs are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Examples of reviewable medications include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Medical Marijuana
  • Suboxone or Naltrexone/Vivitrol
  • All Barbiturates
  • All Medications used Specifically for Weight Loss
  • All Benzodiazepines
  • Nicotine Replacement Products
  • All Muscle Relaxants
  • All Stimulant Medications1
  • All Performance Enhancing Steroids or Supplements
  • All Narcotic pain relievers and pain reliever with potential for dependence & abuse
  • Sleep aids2

1Only Strattera & Intuniv are allowed for treatment of ADD/ADHD. If a client is on a reviewable medication for the treatment of ADHD/ADD, they will work with an addiction medicine specialist before entering the program.
2Only Melatonin is allowed as a sleep aid Again, we follow the doctor’s direction.

OTC Medications: Please note that Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge has an approved list of OTC medications that clients may purchase on their own.

Does MnTC offer Mobile Assessments?

Yes, our Assessors do conduct mobile assessments at detox facilities, hospitals, jails, and prisons for clients interested in attending treatment at MnTC. Clients currently incarcerated need to complete and submit a jail application before requesting a Mobile Assessment. Clients in detox or a hospital can call 612-FREEDOM to request a mobile assessment.

Can I be admitted on the same day as I complete my chemical health assessment?
  • Often we’re able to accommodate a same day assessment and intake, however it depends on the specific case and situation.
  • The first step in the Admissions process is completion of a Chemical Health Assessment at either a MnTC location or at another treatment facility. If your assessment was completed elsewhere, please have it faxed to (612) 823-4913. Once an Assessment is received, it is assigned to a Case Coordinator who assists clients through the intake process.
  • Other factors addressed prior to admission include: funding authorization, assessment of withdrawal needs, and bed availability. We are committed to getting people the help they need, as quickly as possible.

Donating and Volunteering

I have a question regarding my recent financial gift to MnTC. Who can I call?

Call 612-FREEDOM and follow the prompts, or email

What items can I donate to MnTC?
  • Clothing: MnTC accepts new and lightly used clothing donations depending on current needs. We ask that Men’s and Women’s clothing be separated for easy distribution to our various centers. To schedule a donation, please call 612-FREEDOM and follow prompts, or send an email to the appropriate party. To donate clothes, contact for men’s clothes, and for women’s clothing donations.
  • Vehicles: Our Cars For Recovery program accepts cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and a range of other motorized vehicles. Depending on the status of the donated vehicle it will be used to: provide transportation for an MnTC employee; provide a vehicle to a program graduate; or sold with the funds going directly toward support of client needs. If you are interested in donating a vehicle, please contact Bruce Studer at 612.238.6162 or You can also find more information on our vehicle donation page.
  • Household items: We accept new and lightly used household items such as dishes, cookware, small electronics, and lamps based on current need. To arrange for a donation, please call 612-FREEDOM and follow the prompts, or contact
  • Furniture: We accept certain types of furniture in good to excellent condition based on current need. To arrange for a donation, please call 612-FREEDOM and follow the prompts, contact
How can I volunteer?

MnTC loves its volunteers and is always seeking volunteers to help out at various events, do special projects, and to participate in our mentorship program.

Mentors: Please visit our Mentor page to learn more or contact
Event Volunteers: For a current list of volunteer opportunities, please visit

May I give to MNTC through my Will or Estate?

Yes, for more information, please visit our Legacy for Hope page.

General Program Policies and Procedures

Can I work on my High School credits or get my GED while in the program?

Yes, clients may work on High School credits and/or earn a GED while in the program as long as this occurs outside of programming hours.

May I work while I’m enrolled in a residential treatment or recovery program?

No, while in our residential treatment and recovery programs, clients are not able to be employed, to seek employment, or to attend school. This is time to focus on overcoming substance use addiction and other life-controlling issues.  The exception is in the latter part of our long-term recovery program where transition planning takes place, and clients are preparing to return to the community.

Do you allow smoking?

No, our campuses are completely tobacco-free. We do provide smoking cessation support and allow eligible clients to use a nicotine patch and lozenges for a period of time. For most clients, not being able to smoke is far easier than what they’d expected.

What is the daily schedule like for residential clients?

Please ask program staff for daily schedules, as they vary by site and by program.

Is MnTC a lock-down facility?

No, MnTC is not a lock-down facility.

What do I need money for while I’m enrolled at MnTC and how much should I bring when I come?
  • Clients need to pay for personal hygiene and personal need items; in addition, clients may go on coffee walks, order in food on weekends, and attend certain events for which they will need money.
  • The amount you decide to bring with you is a personal or family decision.
  • Some MnTC clients qualify for general assistance from the state of Minnesota and will receive $121 a month from the state while enrolled in the program.
Do you have a gym I can work out in?

Yes, we provide work-out space and state of the art gym equipment at every location.

Do you offer clients transport services to court appointments?
  • If staff members are available, MnTC may provide transports within a 5-mile radius.
  • For clients who do not have family support, or if the court requires a MnTC staff member to accompany a client to court, then we will arrange for transportation.
If I’m enrolled in the Long Term Recovery program, am I ever allowed to leave? What are the passes like?

While in residential treatment, you’re encouraged to stay in treatment for the duration of your stay.  In case of an emergency, passes to leave the program may be allowed.  Please call 612.FREEDOM for specific pass questions.

Can you help with child protection service?
  • While in the licensed treatment program, your Client Care manager will update the Child Protection Agency of progress, per court order.
  • For clients in our Long Term Recovery Program, a staff member can provide verification of client enrollment to a child protection agency, with written request of the client.
Do you help with legal advice?

Clients in our Long Term Recovery Program have access to a legal liaison on a pro-bono basis to address common legal issues. This provides an opportunity to work towards resolving your legal issues while focusing on your sobriety.

May I go to medical and dental appointments while enrolled in a residential program?

Yes, at the discretion of your care team.


May I drive my car and park it at your treatment facility while I’m enrolled in a residential program?

No, please arrange for transportation to your Admissions appointment.

How many visitors may I have on visiting day?

Please see the Client Manager about visitation schedules and guidelines. Days and time will be announced on the floor and at visitation the week prior.

Can I attend my sibling’s wedding while enrolled in a residential program?

Decisions to allow special passes are made on a case-by-case basis.

Can I attend the birth of my child while enrolled in a residential program?

In most cases, yes, assuming there are no legal or other restrictions, clients may attend the birth of children while enrolled in a residential program.

Can my boyfriend/girlfriend visit me while I’m enrolled in a residential program?

Decisions to accept visitors are made on a case by case basis.  All visitors must be approved in advance by program staff and/or the legal team.

Do you accept women and children together into residential treatment programs?

No, we do not accept women and children together into residential treatment programs.

Do I need a calling card to make outside calls?

No, staff will provide a phone for every client to use during phone time.

How much phone time is allowed?

Communication with family members is encouraged!  Clients will have access to phones to speak with their loved ones.  Reach out to our call center at any time during an emergency at 612-FREEDOM.

Do I have access to a computer?

No, clients do not have access to a computer unless you are a teen enrolled and in school at Lakeside Academy.

Do all clients enrolled in the Long Term Recovery Program sing in the MnTC Choir?

Yes, everyone in the Long Term Recovery Program is required to participate in the choir activities.

Can I have overnights with my spouse?

Yes, clients may have overnights with spouses at specific times in the program.

What are the visiting hours for clients enrolled in residential programs?

Please see our visiting hours, information and guidelines page.

Visiting Hours, Information, and Guidelines

Campus Contacts

Statewide Admissions
Phone: 612-373-3366
Fax: 612-823-4913

Brandon Torgerson, Center Director

Sam Anderson, Regional Director

Matt Miller, Center Director

Sam Anderson, Regional Director