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Policy | Communication


All communication policies apply to clients while off-site on an appointment, break, pass or for any other reason.

Phone calls and mail can be a tremendous source of encouragement and motivation for clients. It also can provide a means of fellowship and restoring family relationships. It is very important, however, that clients communicate with only those who are committed to helping them get free of their life-controlling addictions. All clients may receive visits and/or communication from their physician, religious advisor, county caseworker, attorney, and parole/probation officer. These visits may occur at any reasonable hour provided they schedule the visit in advance through the client care manager.

Clients are not permitted to communicate with anyone through email, social media or internet sites (such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, Facetime, etc.) while in the program. This includes times that clients are away from MnTC on passes, holiday breaks or for any other reason. As a client starts the re-entry process in Level 4, email communication will be allowed for the purpose of housing, employment, mentors, and church. Email and any internet use associated with it is not intended for casual or personal communications.

Correspondence List
Communication by phone and mail is limited to those individuals whose names are listed on the client’s correspondence list. When clients enter the program they will be asked to submit a correspondence list of individuals with whom they would like to communicate. The client care manager will review the list and approve those who are believed to be central to the client’s recovery and beneficial in motivating and encouraging the client to complete the program. Individuals who may hinder the progress of the client will be disapproved.

  • Additions to the List
    Clients may request an individual be added to their correspondence list by submitting a client request on the kiosk. The individual will be added to the correspondence list upon approval from the client care manager.
  • Deletions from the List
    Individuals on the correspondence list who could hinder the progress of the client may be removed from the correspondence list, and are prohibited from further contact with the client.


Phone Calls
Clients are not permitted to receive incoming calls except in extreme emergencies. The length of outgoing phone calls allowed is based on the client’s level in the program.

Privileges are as follows:

Program Level Number of Weekly Calls Length of Call Time
Level 1 4 25 Minutes
Level 2 4 25 Minutes
Level 3 4 25 Minutes
Level 4 4 25 Minutes

Mentor Calls
Clients may make one brief 5 minute call to their mentor once a week to set up a visit or pass without it counting as one of their weekly phone calls.

Kids Calls
Women with minor children will be permitted to make an additional daily 10 minute phone call or 20 minutes Skype call (as the schedule allows) to speak with their minor children that will not count as a weekly phone call.

Skype Calls
Clients with children who are unable to visit their children will be allowed to Skype with them. Clients are only allowed to Skype their children not; spouse, significant other, family or friends. These calls are to be completed during visiting times and need to be pre-approved by the client care manager. All calls will be monitored by staff.

Incoming Mail
All clients’ mailing address is 740 E 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404. To expedite the timely distribution of mail, clients should encourage their family/friends to include their building number beside the client’s name in the address. See examples:

First Name, Last Name (Building # ____)
740 E 24th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Incoming mail is normally distributed to the client on the day it is received. Mail from individuals who are not on the client’s approved correspondence list will be given to the client care manager. The client care manager will meet with the client and determine if the individual should be added to the correspondence list. If so, the mail will be given to the client. If not, the mail will be returned to the individual who sent it.

Mail from federal, state, local agencies, corporations, private companies, etc. will be opened in the presence of the client care manager. Anything received that is not appropriate shall be returned to the sender by the client in the presence of the duty staff.

All incoming packages must be opened in the presence of the duty staff. The client care manager may also require a client to open a particular letter or other mail in the presence of the staff.

Incoming mail and packages that are received after a client has been discharged will be returned to the sender. It is not the responsibility of MnTC to hold or forward mail. It is the responsibility of the client to update their address accordingly

Outgoing Mail
Clients should seal their outgoing mail and attach postage prior to submitting it to the duty staff. Once the duty staff receives the outgoing mail, he/she will forward the mail to the administrative assistant for mailing.

The client care manager may require any client to open a particular piece of outgoing mail in front of the staff whenever it is deemed appropriate.

Anytime outgoing mail is addressed to an individual who is not on the client’s correspondence list, the client care manager will meet with the client and determine if the individual should be added. If so, the mail will be sent out and the individual will be added to the correspondence list. If not, the mail will be returned to the client who will dispose of it in the presence of the staff.

Outgoing mail addressed to federal, state, or local agencies, corporations, private companies, etc. will normally be sent out by the client care manager even though they are not on the client’s correspondence list. If concerns about a particular piece of mail in this category arise, the client care manager will meet with the client and then determine whether to send it or not. If the client care manager decides not to send the mail, the client may appeal to the program director.

Short-Term Phone Calls
Clients of Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge are granted five, 10 minute phone calls per week. Phone times are typically in the evening. No cell phones are allowed at Mn Adult & Teen Challenge. Clients are not allowed to use visitor’s cell phones.

  • There are scheduled phone times, please refer to the daily schedule. Phone calls cannot be made outside of phone time except in the case of business or emergency calls.

Each client receives five, 10 minute phone calls per week. Clients with minor children receive one extra call for each two children. Ex: 1-2 children = 1 extra call, 3-4 children = 2 extra calls.


Revised April 15, 2024