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Sean’s Story

​After graduating the long-term program at Teen Challenge, I enrolled in the Teen Challenge Leadership Institute.  This allowed me to further develop my relationship with Jesus, while really focusing on what my new life would look like.

While taking classes here at the school, I have developed my ministry skills and learned from some of the best instructors around.  But what is even more important is that I have developed a network of lifelong friends who are walking this journey with me.  I continue to take courses through the Minnesota School of Ministry (MNSOM), and am on track to be a fully certified and licensed pastor by the end of 2023.  I have become an active member in my church, participating in small groups and serving on their “service team.”  Also, I will take my first missionary trip to Costa Rica in March, when we will help Costa Rica Teen Challenge further develop their own facility.

There have been so many blessings made available to me only through Adult and Teen Challenge Minnesota.  I listed some of these above.  The opportunity that most excites me, however, is that Teen Challenge hired me full-time, effective February 6, 2023 as the administrative assistant for TCLI.  In June, 2021, I walked through the doors of Teen Challenge homeless, addicted and utterly without hope.  Over the next 20 months, Teen Challenge filled me with love, hope, faith, and the skills to start my new life in Christ.  Now they have also given me the place to do that.  I am excited to start this new phase of life.  It is my turn to be a blessing to those around me, and to share the love and hope that I once thought was only imaginary.

You can read my whole story here.