Isaac’s Story

I was born in Hastings, Minnesota, raised by my grandmother and my mom. We had a fairly normal household; mom was just trying to make ends meet and my biological father left when I was born. I think that sparked the rejection that I have always struggled with.
The small stuff led up to the big stuff – flicking the teachers off when they weren’t looking, trying to be cool to fit in – and then I started partying. It was unmanageable when I started using fentanyl. I’d take a quarter of a pill, be high for 20 minutes, and then immediately throw up because of just how sick I felt. After only three days of taking fentanyl, I was taking two, full pills at a time just to get high. It seemed like my body wanted more and more but the sicker I would get.
I ended up going to a series of treatment centers. I would do fairly good, receive the information I was given, and go right back out to throw away all my money, everything I’d learned, and go harder the next time. My friend and I robbed someone for THC cartridges. I remember pointing a brandish BB gun at their head. He willingly gave them up and right after we got into ahead on collision. I got on my hands and knees and said, “God, please, if you can just take away these people, these things that are trying to harm me, I’ll do anything, I’ll give my life to you.” And right then and there I sensed a feeling of relief wash over me.
At Mn Adult & Teen Challenge, I’ve noticed that I have an identity problem, but if I base my identity around Jesus, then everything else doesn’t matter. I’ve been told so many times in different treatment centers, but I can tell this time it’s sinking in.